dijous, 4 de maig del 2017


What do you think that human rights are? It is a difficult question because nobody request us it and if someone ask us this the majority of people don't know what to answer b ecause we never or almost never we reflect on it. 

The correct definition human right is that it are the rights everybody have in the simple act of be humans. Everyone of us have every right to have this rights because are universals. Don't matter the religion, the country, the gender or any fact, you have this rights.

Human rights appeared at 539 BC more o less. Bedore it didn't be human rights and people lived in crwods were everybody respected the others members of their crowd. But Cyrus the Great chnage that saying every slaves were free because he stablished people had the freedom to choose their religion. And wrote them on Cyrus cylinder. Even tought, human rights weren't recognized until at 1628 in England by Magna Carta. Since then, human right begin.

In the list of Human Rights that were declarated there are 30 human rights. I wanted to dig deeper in some articles of this human rights. One of them is the article 12 which says:

"No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."

This article is is executed in most of the countries but there are a attacks to reputation and honor that aren't protecrted against the law. Bullyng is present in every school and even the teachers try to solve them there are many cases. Currently has been apllied some organitations and telephon numbers to help childs who are bullyng victims. This is one exemple that in a lot of countries this article isn't respected at all. 

Another human right I can't wait to comment is the article 15 which says:

"(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality."

This article nowadays is fulfilled but there had been some cases when this article wasn't obey by some conrties when they where in war. For example, when Franco won the civil war all the repubilcans in Spain that took up exile in France were called statless by Franco. Besides jewish were considered statless or that they didn't be germans, too. This doesn't happen more or I think so, but it was disrespect before when human rights were already set.

Human rights must be respected by everybody because it make people human, and disrespect them will show that some part of the world isn't human but rather are monsters who don't leave live in peace. 

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