diumenge, 29 de maig del 2016


The summer is coming !! We are in the last week of April and we are doing our lasts exams. The good temperature invaded all the days and all the students are whising the end of clases. I am studying first baccalaurete and this course was really hard.

I spend a lot of nights studying or making homeworks for the next year. The level of the exams increase and everybody had to hit the books hard. But all of this produce you a profit because when you see the exams resullts you feel well with yourself. Right now the clases are finishing and we have a lot of exams in only ten days.  So we are stressed. 

This summer I want to go to the beatch and spend all my free time with my friends. I'm searching some part-time work because I'll have time to do the research work. My mother offered me a job in her hairderesser but I turned down it because Idon't want to work for her. 

What it is important is the attitude for recive the summer and end the studies well for enjoy more the summer. I hope you enjoy the summer as I'll do it. This is my last post, It was a pleasure to share with you this year. 

See you next yeat and good luck !!!! 

dissabte, 28 de maig del 2016


North Korea threated South Korea southing warships if it crosses the occidental border after two South Ships had been shouting their boats. After the warning North Korea threated to killed all the boats that will corss the border although the ships don't go armed. 

Yesterday in the morning, North Korea fried five rounds of warning shots for frighten two boats north-korean, a military and fishing, which briefly passed the border. These same acts had been on February. But this isn't something new, these conflicts taking palce since 1999 because North Korea don't accept the borders stablished by EUA on the end of Korean War. 

The Korean People's Army say that the shots of North Korea was a ridiculous provocation. Apart from these naval problems they have problems with nuclear weapons because North Korea don't show agreement.

This new it's interesting because show the consecuence of the wars. The borders don't be accepted for one of this part. And we can see the result of the dictadure because it use violence, and all their problems are solutioned by force and theatens. I hope their disagremments will resolved and it didn't affect others countries because presently have problems with nucelar weapons, and it are very dsngerous for the popluation. 

In this article I learn some words as chase. threatened and reckless. If you want to see the new here I leave the link: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/28/north-korea-threatens-to-fire-on-south-korean-warships 


Italian Navy has recovered 45 bodies of the refugees which drown yesterday and dozen of bodies more are missing. The Navy go to the rescure when they recived a  distress call for a shipwerck 350 persons. They rescured 130 refugees but still search more bodies. 

Although the European Union is limiting the arrived of refugees of the Sirian War, there are a lot of ships that arrived in Italy to get to safety. Yesterday departed 16 ships from Libian coast of which were recured 1.900 persons and 10.000 more near the Libian coasts. About 40.000 refugees have arrived in the harbour nothern Italy so far this year. 

One of the worst tragedies in the Mediterran happened on Wednesday because a ship sinked with 650 persons in near the Libian coast, but the Italian Navy could save 560 refugees, five died and 100 more refugees still missing.

The European Union confirm there were three sinked in three days causing many troubles on refugees. These subsidence ocurrs besause the refugees ran away quickly and this make the ship unstable.  

The G7 was gathered yesterday and decided to help this persons that ran away from this countries because lived a wild war. 

I'm want to express all my gratitude for the Italian Navy interventons because the refugees are living a hard moment and need someone that support them. I want a new place for this persons who wanted to survive and search a place where recommence. But everybody can't arrived here and therew are a lot of deaths. We have to help them because we lived phenomenal but if the war tooked place here what have to do us ? I'm very sure that they will help us. 

In this new I learn some words as vesselsastouding and trawler. You can find the new in this link: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/28/italian-navy-recovers-45-bodies-after-refugee-boat-sinks

Here I leave you a video where you can see the Italian Navy rescuring the migrants.


Here I left you the oral presentation that we had last month about a gap year in Fiji. In this presentation we made up a theatre of three girls who go to Fiji during three months for a gap year. Then we made a video which we presented in class explaining how was the experience, that we never lived. 

The theatrical part came out well but we were some nervous and talked quickly. Then the sound of the video didn't be good, so it was a big mistake but our classmates understood the finality of our presentation and I think they spend a funny time. 

divendres, 27 de maig del 2016


This article is a study on the involvement of menstruation in the low-income countries as Kenia. In much of these countries menstruation is a taboo and shame point. For this reason thare are little infromation on this topic which causes most girls have problems and limited information about it.

As the menstruation cause embarrassement most of them carry it secretly. In most of them cultures the men don't let them eat some foods because they cause bad smell, or don't let them get a shower or even don't let them go home. In others cultures they think the menstruation come because they have had sex.

The schools aren't adapted to these circumstances and the most of the teachers make worse the situation because they force the students to stand up for make a question or for answer a question. So, they are stained and embarass them in front of the class. 

There have been various studies in Kenia which has been obtained information of girls in these countries. Some of them use grass to clean themselves because their parents don't buy them wipes, and even many prostitued themselves to earn money for their hygiene.

The embarassed that cause the menstruation to involved many more cases of rape and `physical abuse, making increase the name of gender violence in these countries. The OMS has organized various talks to hand the menstrual cup that does not involve replacing it on every occasion but clean.

The artilce ended saying the project started because the women of modern countires have complained about the price of tampons and because now they aren't repressed to discuss this issue.

I'm agree of this project because some times I'm feel repressed for talk about this topic with someone. If we, that live in a industralizated country have problems with the intime hygiene, I can imagine the problems that have the girls of the third world. When I'll be dependent I'll invest and I'll help in investigations of this area because it is an important thing in a life of a  women. In this article I learn new words as pad, compounded and pitfalls.

dijous, 26 de maig del 2016


Presently we thought that we live in a modern society. Well, we use electrical appliance, mobile phons with an advance technology, Internet, modern cars... but it is also things, material. I think that we had envolved material thing but the psychological aspects or social harmony don't envolved as the other scope. 

I mean, there are a lot of people that are homosexual and although we say many time doesn't matter, but the most of the society hold their in contempt, or don't know how treat their, but they are persons. With the transexual past the same, and it is much worse because many times the people laugh when someone explains that he/she is in the body of the opposite sex caught. 
When someone had a disability everybody sympathizes with him. But that person doesn't worry his problem, they are tormented for the things that other people say to him. 

I think the problem is the acceptance of the society because we still caught in the thoughts and mentality of generations ago. We have to show tolerance and thus we are teaching the next generations have to accept people who excel in the "normal", if there is a normal.

dissabte, 14 de maig del 2016


A literary route is a organizated way around one city based in a spaces that appeared in the story. This third term in spanish subject the students had to made a literary route about any book that we read. All the books are oriented in Barcelona, so yesterday we went to Barcelona for did it. 

I did it with to classmate more. We did this route about the novel "Nada" writted by Carme Laforet. Our task was recorded us talking about the place where we stay but saying it to another group, which after they did their route to us.

The spaces that we went over were:

Aribau Street (Carrer d'Aribau): In this steet, the protagonist lived in the house number 36. The writer of the novel lived there, too. 

University square (Plaça de la Universitat): In this square the protagonist met her friends in the story. And she spend a lot of time there because she study in the university.

Via Layetana: In this street lived the best friend of the protaqgonist. So, she was accustomed to walked it. 

Montcada Street: This street were the bohemian study of artists. The protagonist know it because her friend showed it. 

Santa Maria Basilica: It is a basilica that the protagonist dicovered in one of her walks. 

France Station: It is a train station, the station where the protagonist arrived. 

Santa Creu Church: It is the famous church of Barcelona. The protagonist discovered it in once of her walks during one night. 

The route was an unique experience that was useful for me because I learned to organizate a route and for meet new places that I never seen in Barcelona. 

If you want there I leave the video of the literary route but it is in Spanish.

dijous, 12 de maig del 2016


Wuthering Heights is a book about a passionate love story between Catherine Earnshaw, belongs to a bourgeois family, and Heathcliff, tramp adopted by this family. But the social differences did that they had to separated and Catherine get married with Edgar Linton, that belongs to a bourgeois family too.  Catherine didn't be happy in her family and her new house and fall ill and this is added that her husband's sister ran away with Heathcliff and married in secretly. After this love story there was another between Catherine and Edgar's daughter called Catherine and Heathcliff's son called Linton. But didn't last long because Linton died, and Harenton Earnshaw, Catherine's cousin, fall in love with her.  

The most impressive of this novel is the narration. There past, specifically from the beginning of the love story between Catherine and Heathcliff to when Catherine married with Linton. So, the past is narrated by a maid called Nelly that saw this love story. And the present is explained by Lockwood a man who rent a house that owns Heathcliff. 

On the other hand I didn't like the atmosphere. It was negative, depressing, with deaths at all ours, with hints of mystery and fear. The spaces described in all the book are dull, cloudy, with storms, terror... It explains the name of the novel. 

It is a fabulous story and book if you like love stories. But it isn't the typical love story because always win the death. So, I recommend it because in spit of it is a fantastic novel because the way that it is narrated and the characters introduced you quickly. 

diumenge, 1 de maig del 2016


How I commented in last post, I participated in a project called "Exile, deportation and the Holocaust". In this trip we visited Dachau, one of the first of fields visits in Germany. In once century ago, there was a horror place where dead millions of persons. But presently, there are some ruines of this fields visits which help you to rebuild the past.

It is situated in 13 kilometers in the northwest of Munich, in Bayern. The field was build in a gunpowder abandoned factory which was used during the First World War for manufacture weapons. Dachau fields visits was built in 21st of March of 1933 and the next day was opened. It is one of the most visited and know of the nazis concentration camps. 

There I could see the reconstruction of some barracks where the prisoners slept, the prison of the camp, the church that is next to the crematorium where bodies were burned. And beside there were gas chamber. In the central courtyard in the fields visits were some cultures that conmemore all the victims, and there were ashes of somebody that has burned in the crematorium.

When I was there, some feeling invaded me. It was something as impotence, distress, fear and presence of others beings. When I entered to gas chamber, all was cold, dark and in silence. If everybody remained quiet you could imagine the people closed there and shouting because they wanted to get out. 

This were my experience in Dachau, where I can imagine ordeals that live people during the Second World War. 


Spain had been in a dictatorship by Franco. Before the dictatorship had been established there was a civil war from 1936 to 1939. In this period of time most of the Spanish republicans had been obligated to be exiled for fear of reprisals by the victors and the dictatorial political regime established in Spain.  This Spanish refugees walked to France, and most of them had carried to concentration camps as Dachau, Gusen, Mathausen...

This year has initiated a project called "Exile, deportation and the Holocaust". It was a project conducted last months for 1Baccalaureate students. Once of the firsts weeks of February the students of some high schools of Alt Emporà went to MUME Museum for listen the experience of a refugee Spanish when he had nine years old. Then the first week of April four high school that participated in this project were undertaken to a travel to Austria and Germany. 
In this trip we visit the remains of Gusen, Mathausen, Hartheim Castle, Dachau, Neuschwanstein and some city as Munich. 

In a certain way it was a study tour that could us walked in the footsteps of Spanish republicans. We met new people, places and the horror that a lot of people lived few years ago. The teachers that came with us told us that next year it will be repeat and I recommend it, because knew and revived the past. It was a wonderful and great study tour.