This article is a study on the involvement of menstruation in the low-income countries as Kenia. In much of these countries menstruation is a taboo and shame point. For this reason thare are little infromation on this topic which causes most girls have problems and limited information about it.
As the menstruation cause embarrassement most of them carry it secretly. In most of them cultures the men don't let them eat some foods because they cause bad smell, or don't let them get a shower or even don't let them go home. In others cultures they think the menstruation come because they have had sex.
The schools aren't adapted to these circumstances and the most of the teachers make worse the situation because they force the students to stand up for make a question or for answer a question. So, they are stained and embarass them in front of the class.
There have been various studies in Kenia which has been obtained information of girls in these countries. Some of them use grass to clean themselves because their parents don't buy them wipes, and even many prostitued themselves to earn money for their hygiene.
The embarassed that cause the menstruation to involved many more cases of rape and `physical abuse, making increase the name of gender violence in these countries. The OMS has organized various talks to hand the menstrual cup that does not involve replacing it on every occasion but clean.
The artilce ended saying the project started because the women of modern countires have complained about the price of tampons and because now they aren't repressed to discuss this issue.
I'm agree of this project because some times I'm feel repressed for talk about this topic with someone. If we, that live in a industralizated country have problems with the intime hygiene, I can imagine the problems that have the girls of the third world. When I'll be dependent I'll invest and I'll help in investigations of this area because it is an important thing in a life of a women. In this article I learn new words as pad, compounded and pitfalls.
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