How I commented in last post, I participated in a project called "Exile, deportation and the Holocaust". In this trip we visited Dachau, one of the first of fields visits in Germany. In once century ago, there was a horror place where dead millions of persons. But presently, there are some ruines of this fields visits which help you to rebuild the past.
It is situated in 13 kilometers in the northwest of Munich, in Bayern. The field was build in a gunpowder abandoned factory which was used during the First World War for manufacture weapons. Dachau fields visits was built in 21st of March of 1933 and the next day was opened. It is one of the most visited and know of the nazis concentration camps.
There I could see the reconstruction of some barracks where the prisoners slept, the prison of the camp, the church that is next to the crematorium where bodies were burned. And beside there were gas chamber. In the central courtyard in the fields visits were some cultures that conmemore all the victims, and there were ashes of somebody that has burned in the crematorium.
When I was there, some feeling invaded me. It was something as impotence, distress, fear and presence of others beings. When I entered to gas chamber, all was cold, dark and in silence. If everybody remained quiet you could imagine the people closed there and shouting because they wanted to get out.
This were my experience in Dachau, where I can imagine ordeals that live people during the Second World War.
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