Italian Navy has recovered 45 bodies of the refugees which drown yesterday and dozen of bodies more are missing. The Navy go to the rescure when they recived a distress call for a shipwerck 350 persons. They rescured 130 refugees but still search more bodies.
Although the European Union is limiting the arrived of refugees of the Sirian War, there are a lot of ships that arrived in Italy to get to safety. Yesterday departed 16 ships from Libian coast of which were recured 1.900 persons and 10.000 more near the Libian coasts. About 40.000 refugees have arrived in the harbour nothern Italy so far this year.
One of the worst tragedies in the Mediterran happened on Wednesday because a ship sinked with 650 persons in near the Libian coast, but the Italian Navy could save 560 refugees, five died and 100 more refugees still missing.
The European Union confirm there were three sinked in three days causing many troubles on refugees. These subsidence ocurrs besause the refugees ran away quickly and this make the ship unstable.
The G7 was gathered yesterday and decided to help this persons that ran away from this countries because lived a wild war.
I'm want to express all my gratitude for the Italian Navy interventons because the refugees are living a hard moment and need someone that support them. I want a new place for this persons who wanted to survive and search a place where recommence. But everybody can't arrived here and therew are a lot of deaths. We have to help them because we lived phenomenal but if the war tooked place here what have to do us ? I'm very sure that they will help us.
In this new I learn some words as vessels, astouding and trawler. You can find the new in this link:
Here I leave you a video where you can see the Italian Navy rescuring the migrants.
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