dijous, 30 de març del 2017


Most of the times relationships go thorough crisis and most of them are because on of the member of the couple is jealous. This members don't know why they have this feeling and furthermore they still have more fear of losing their partner. So, for this reason they ask them if jealousy is natural in a relationship. 

What is jealousy? 

It is an emotion often linked to humans and it is a reflection of their feelings or thoughts as insecurity, fear and the anxiety of losing something of great personal value. This jealousy is always produced by human relationships, particularity romantic once. This word is a set of emotions such as ire,  resentment, disability, futility and disgust.
Nowadays this term includes two words that had been distinguished years ago. They are envy and jealousy.

Therapists declare that jealousy is a evil which come from a childhood trauma or it is a symptom of psychological mental imbalance. They nod that people who feel insecure or who sometimes depend of other persons are prone to be jealousy. 

On the other hand, the assert that is totally normal feel jealousy in a relation because it may strength the relation as a result of make feel flattered your partner considering that he/she can like others. Nevertheless if it is extreme it is 100% probably that the relation can and in any moment because jealousy will make the couple enter to a negative loop and each member will want to find a person who could make their happy.

There are specialist who classified jealousy in different levels. The big distinction that everybody has to know is the healthy jealousy and the unhealthy jealousy. Besides there are feelings or situations that make the difference between this distinction. 

For example we talk about healthy jealousy when our partner go out with other persons because he/she is having fun without you. But in every moment you remember  that you are individuals with freedom and space. Want to have more communication in the relation is another example of healthy jealousy and think about what could be doing when you aren't together, too.

In contrast to healthy jealous, there are unhealthy jealous and the examples of this kind of jealous are ban or restrict your partner to go out with other persons because you think that he or she can't have fun without you. Another example is get angry with your partner because he/she doesn't do what you command him/her. Control your partner in all he/she does or wears and become infuriated if you don't know everything of your partner, too. 

This unhealthy jealous are dreadful for everybody because kill every relation and everyone get tired of having a partner as this and for this reason many relationships with this lattice are toxic and in the end they call it off. 

The investigators affirm that jealous is a trick of the mind because she created her imagination and makes human believe things that aren't real. But if everyone control the imagination and the mind this jealous disappears. 

In conclusion, jealousy is natural in a relationship but there are a little line between healthy jealous and unhealthy jealous and humans have to control our imagination to not suffer this feeling that can end with a relation.

Website bibliography

NEWS CULT: Differences Between Healthy and Unhealthy Jealousy in a Relationship. [on line]. <http://newscult.com/differences-between-healthy-and-unhealthy-jealousy-in-a-relationship/> [consulted: 24.03.2017].

PATHWAY TO HAPPINESS: Overcoming Jealousy. [on line]. <http://www.pathwaytohappiness.com/relationship_jealousy.html> [consulted: 25.03.2017].

OPHRA.COM: Jealousy-The Monster. [on line]. <http://www.oprah.com/relationships/understanding-jealousy-helen-fisher-phd-on-relationships>  [consulted: 24.03.2017].

WIKIPEDIA: Jealousy. [on line]. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jealousy> [consulted: 30.03.2017].

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