diumenge, 15 de novembre del 2015


It is a new that announce about a investigation about a pills. This pills have effects as if you do exercise. This pills were discovered for University of Sydney and  University of Copenhagen. This Universities did an experiment with four healthy men, they did exercise during ten minutes and then the scientists analyzed their body for searched the changes. Afterwards started to investigated for medicine that can to guarantee the same effects as the exercise. Most of the doctors defended that this investigation will be good for the old people and the people that can move because had health problems but at the same time will be bad because the healthy people take advantage of this pills. This experiment isn't finish  because there's still more to investigate. In the future this pills can be essential for mostly people.

In my opinion I think that this pills can be a big problem in our society, because presently are obesity. And if in the future there are this pills can be a factor that can converted the most of society in obesity because they'll not move. But in the other side I think that can benefit to the old people or people that have health problems.  Whatever this pills benefit once and impair to others. 

If you want to know more about this new can consult: http://cat.elpais.com/cat/2015/10/16/estilo/1444991506_257027.html

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