divendres, 31 d’octubre del 2014


The first day in class we wrote our dream in a piece of paper. I wrote: My dream is to be a professonal dancer. These months we havve been working on dreams and writing different compositions. 

According to my test of the animal qualities I'm good at sports and in business. This is correct because I really like sports and to be a professional dancer I'll have to be fit. My test of intelligance shows my best inelligence. The result was veryy regular and all were in similar situations. My intelligence of the body was in high level, another time this way favour ,y dream. My hero is my grandmother and she was a good dancer, she always supports my dream but my parents never support it. I chose my grandmother as a hero because she always got her dreams
To be a professional dancer is my dream but I know that it is difficult to have a spaice in this profession.

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