dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2016


Christmas is coming !! Yes, that's true and I'm sure most of us are wishing it. I feel New Year's Eve is long-awaited because 2016 has become difficult as passed the months.  During this year grew different conflicts which remain for years such as legislative and presidencial elections, the burst of Syria and the refugees that come to Europe, dissatisfied society, racism acts, economical crisis... Besides it, I strongly believe as a consequence with that being said World War III is approaching.  

It can also be argued with facts that I considered relevant and it will be the source of this occurrence. Thus political and economical area are sectors which caused events commented before and tigger of misfortune. I'm 95% secure Donald Trump, the new president of USA, will began armed warfare because it will be the result of his election plan. 

Donald Trump announced in his speech that his intention is built a wall between Mexico and USA, reduce a considerable part of tax, ban islamics come to USA, right to bring firearm, send troops for combat yihadista's group in Irak. He also believe torture works and wanted to move prisoner to Cuba's prision and he want to have the power of Iran because he think that is dangerous they have atomic bomb. 

Before it, there were others elections in the world in Ireland, Bolivia and Portugal where discontented of people caused their adhere to others political party which were contrapose of the current party political.  

Spain also had a hard period of political crisis. Since Franco's dictatorship have been a kind of bipartisanship between PP and PSOE however last year appeared new political parties and Ciutadanos or Podemos who made people adhere it and cause a second elections. 

Furthermore of political problems, there are around the world a big economical crisis. It made countries to not accept refugees which come to Syria and we are sending them to field visits.  To sum up, people are changing their thoughts because are affected by crisis economy, refugees which increase racism and shortage information, it is reflected in the results of political elections. We have to be alert because in any moment can blow up the III World War and if it happen, it'll be destructive as said Albert Einstein "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

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