diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016


The news I want to comment is about a study of a treatment for alzheimer which resulted a failure because the drug investigated did the same effect to patients as the prior medicine.

The result of this study was extracted of 2000 alzheimer patients in the third phase called EXPEDITION3. They verify the new drug build up the amyloid protein in form of patch in the brain, what’s more it between the nerves cells cause damage and cell death in the brain.

Currently this dementia cause the death, although they searched drugs for get a cure but no one had found a solution. In the last study they found the big development of solanezumab of the patients, for this reason they finalized with the analyze because they hoped others results of the study.

On the other hand they discovered that the deposition of amyloid begins 20 years before the apparition of the desease due to the modification which suffered the blood circulation that delated stuff of  the brain. 

Even though they didn’t obtain the results that they hope, they don’t give up searching the solution of the dementia. They affirm this desease is the hardest of all present in the nowadays society.

In my view I’m proud that they are searching a solution for this dementia because I have a member of my family that suffered it and it’s very hard for all my family. The solution of it, will improve a millions of families which are in this situation. For this reason I support this research even if they don’t find a solution. 

As I was reading the article of the investigation I learned some words that I didn’t know the meaning. This words are solanezumab, dummy, amyloid and pipeline

dissabte, 26 de novembre del 2016


This new was published on the 24th of November by Jonathan Ball. It talks about an investigation which took place in China and Australia. There they found millions of new viruses that are post in the  journal Nature

Actually this investigation was did with invertebrates and they discovered some effects which this viruses cause to livings beings. On the other hand the study has done to show to the individuals the meaning of the viruses because most of us don't give it importance. 

Furthermore the current techniques which they use demonstrated the large number of viruses that surround us without we become aware it. They also found out that viruses aren't make up of ADN, although the affirmed that it are composed of ARN that have the same genetical information as ADN but with a difference:  ARN have a sequence of letters which allow for know if it is a new viruses or it belong to other virus. 

The research had been done with 220 spices of land and sea invertebrates, then from it they pull out six billions combinations of ARN which 1500 blends didn't fit in any family viruses tree. Besides some connoisseurs of the subject confirm this investigation is the best ever made in previous years and the following studies of it they hope to discover more viruses because they found a lot of viruses in a place where they never look at.

As a conclusion they said that viruses combined between them deriving to new viruses. The viruses analyzed in invertebrates during the searching they are the same that cause flu or any desease that affected humans. They hope do more investigations as it because they affirm that they only know a little part of this big world.

I'm totally surprised because I didn't have any idea about the large amount of viruses which surround us. I agree with some sentences that the investigators say in the article which said that we don't know nothing about virus world and we don't give importance to it. In contrast to this sentence, we have to worry about it because viruses are the originator of most of our deseases. So, for this reason I want to summary this new because it is interesting and it let know us aspects of the life which we don't knowledge it. 

As I was reading the article I learn some words that I didn't knew the meaning. This words are blinkered, snapshot, spineless and genomes

dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2016


This article is a study of Stanford University about how affected stress in brains of boys and girls. It investigation was carry out analyzing the insula which changes after a trauma. Insula is an internal  area of the brain which control the pain and process the feelings. 

In this study the investigators could see that insula had been modified in deferents ways boys and girls who had been a trauma. It discovered too that girls are more prone to had PTSD and it showed traumas and feelings affected on deferents ways. 

Stanford University analyzed 59 brains of guys and girls and divided it in two groups. The first one was formed by 14 girls and 16 boys who had been in a stress situation and traumas. On the other hand there are the second group formed by 15 girls and 14 guys who hadn't been in a stress or trauma situation. They could see that the first group insult had been changed in their size and volume. So, this change of the insula is the cause of PTSD.

PTSD is the term used to described the psychological effects of being involved in a traumatic event. So, this PTSD affects in deferents methods girls and boys. 

I believe that is probably traumas affected in deferents ways girls and boys. But it always happened because all the people have their own view of live and the acts and bad situations always affected in different ways girls and boys. For this reason I'm agree with this investigation because now we can know why emotions are odd from guys and girls. 

In this article I had learned new words as insula , sulcus and nightmare.


Christmas is coming !! Yes, that's true and I'm sure most of us are wishing it. I feel New Year's Eve is long-awaited because 2016 has become difficult as passed the months.  During this year grew different conflicts which remain for years such as legislative and presidencial elections, the burst of Syria and the refugees that come to Europe, dissatisfied society, racism acts, economical crisis... Besides it, I strongly believe as a consequence with that being said World War III is approaching.  

It can also be argued with facts that I considered relevant and it will be the source of this occurrence. Thus political and economical area are sectors which caused events commented before and tigger of misfortune. I'm 95% secure Donald Trump, the new president of USA, will began armed warfare because it will be the result of his election plan. 

Donald Trump announced in his speech that his intention is built a wall between Mexico and USA, reduce a considerable part of tax, ban islamics come to USA, right to bring firearm, send troops for combat yihadista's group in Irak. He also believe torture works and wanted to move prisoner to Cuba's prision and he want to have the power of Iran because he think that is dangerous they have atomic bomb. 

Before it, there were others elections in the world in Ireland, Bolivia and Portugal where discontented of people caused their adhere to others political party which were contrapose of the current party political.  

Spain also had a hard period of political crisis. Since Franco's dictatorship have been a kind of bipartisanship between PP and PSOE however last year appeared new political parties and Ciutadanos or Podemos who made people adhere it and cause a second elections. 

Furthermore of political problems, there are around the world a big economical crisis. It made countries to not accept refugees which come to Syria and we are sending them to field visits.  To sum up, people are changing their thoughts because are affected by crisis economy, refugees which increase racism and shortage information, it is reflected in the results of political elections. We have to be alert because in any moment can blow up the III World War and if it happen, it'll be destructive as said Albert Einstein "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

divendres, 11 de novembre del 2016


Perfect. What is "perfect" ? How is the "perfect" guy ? There are words that are abstract because everyone of us have their concept of it with their own define. So, perfect and beauty are words abstracts but in the society there are peer pressure because somebody layed it dawn. 

We usually talk about the stereotype of woman, and it's true that we had many pressure to be bauty, slim, tan... but even tought apparently men don't have this kind of pressure. This is false, because they even have more pressure than women. 

They believe for win lady's heart they must put on muscle, tall, nice hair and good looking as a gallant. Most of them follow a stereotype which is out of the ordinary and nobody can be like it. So, the "perfect guy" as say the men,  they must have: Justine Bieber's hair, Gerard Butler's face, Hugh Jackman's arms, David Gandy's abdomen and Cristiano Ronaldo's legs. 
In contrast of men opinion majority of women prefer a more common and simple physique. 

The truth is that all of us fall in this social pressure circle, which always derive to depression, eating disorder, change appearance for others as making up, be in bad mood, etc. As a result of this, we resort to plastic surgery, dietician or even bulimia or anorexia for be pretty. All of us for peer pressure. 

In conclusion, as I see,  society disregard their qualities, beauty, originality and one-of a kind. We have to appreciate us because all are uniques and our own identity, for this reason we mustn't be perfect because it is trivial, unfortunately in this third an image is worth more than thousand words or in this case our interior. 

dimecres, 2 de novembre del 2016


Actually our lives are bases on grow up studying, have a degree and find a job. Besides, we think most of us we'll be in love, we'll have a family and a beautiful marriage. But I believe that most of these acts happen because we do it with humor. So I defend humor has an important role in our lives. 

Laughter and humor are relevant points for our relationships. The truth is that when everybody meets new people and they don't have faith yet, they usually begin their relationships with humor telling jokes or silly things. Furthermore, friend relationship always appear because they understand each other and they'll do it with humor. When two persons came across always the first reaction is to be happy and laughs. 

Moreover, when all of us are sad or depressed we always figure it out with humor. Our distraction when we are worried or we don't know what to do we search some activity connected with laughing, too. It's proved that laugh makes better lifestyle and it's very healthy. 

In conclusion. humor takes an importan role in our life because it makes sense to our lives. If we laugh and have a good sense of humor we'll see life better and positive, we aren't be depressed. But if you stop to think, all in this world is solved with humor.