The result of this study was extracted of 2000 alzheimer patients in the third phase called EXPEDITION3. They verify the new drug build up the amyloid protein in form of patch in the brain, what’s more it between the nerves cells cause damage and cell death in the brain.
Currently this dementia cause the death, although they searched drugs for get a cure but no one had found a solution. In the last study they found the big development of solanezumab of the patients, for this reason they finalized with the analyze because they hoped others results of the study.
On the other hand they discovered that the deposition of amyloid begins 20 years before the apparition of the desease due to the modification which suffered the blood circulation that delated stuff of the brain.
Even though they didn’t obtain the results that they hope, they don’t give up searching the solution of the dementia. They affirm this desease is the hardest of all present in the nowadays society.
In my view I’m proud that they are searching a solution for this dementia because I have a member of my family that suffered it and it’s very hard for all my family. The solution of it, will improve a millions of families which are in this situation. For this reason I support this research even if they don’t find a solution.
As I was reading the article of the investigation I learned some words that I didn’t know the meaning. This words are solanezumab, dummy, amyloid and pipeline.